More signs of a global crisis ahead

The editorial of the NYT of April 14 — –was a sobering statement. It’s on what happens when the pandemic reaches poor and weak populations of the world. Most Americans are unaware of how powerful and controlling the imperial reach of the industrialized world, including this country, is. Many of our conveniences is some way derive from the vulnerable, unstructured, even uncontrollable, parts of the globe. When the pandemic reaches those places the already disrupted and repressive arrangements extant in those places will become all the more repressive, cruel, violent, and chaotic. Think of  the “countries ravaged by conflict, through packed refugee camps and detention centers in places like Syria or Bangladesh, through teeming cities like Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro or Monrovia, where social distancing is impossible and government is not trusted, through countries without the fiscal capacity or health services to mount a viable response.” As the editors say, “this may be the defining struggle of our era, and … if ever the world demanded a global response, this is it.”